Second Life
Hi All!
This week I joined second life, an online sim like game. I won't link as the there are two versions, teen and adult and the adult version is not pg13.
I'm still absorbing my experiences of SL and they are not all positive by any means.
The best thing so far is the ability to meet up with online friends for virtual social events, and encountering the work of the best model makers within the SL community.
Many of my friends have had graphics card issues, and although membership is free there are endless oportunities to spend real money in enhancing your avatar...and there is an obvious visual difference between the free content and that which is paid for and this does create some pressure to cough up the readies.
You can earn money within SL, but this isn't an easy task and it would take a good deal of time and effort.
There are also freebies depends how much time you are willing to invest.
Some people get a great deal out of the experience, but these are usually those who are willing to put in the effort to learn the system and spend several hours a day in SL.
As in any online community there are those whose task in life is simply to cause grief to others, but most people I have met so far have been friendly, open and nice.